International expedition to the longest piping caves in the world
1-6 January 2023 Southern Dead Sea, Israel
This International expedition to the longest piping caves in the world is part of the SpeleoMedit project on the area of technical cooperation between different Mediterranean cavers.
The project focuses on piping systems that developed in the Lisan Formation outcrops along the Dead Sea shore. In the last few years, most of the western Dead Sea shore have surveyed and many piping caves and sinkholes have been found. The piping phenomenon is at its extreme on the south side of the Dead Sea, in the Hakikar area. In this area, many long underground streams have been found, including the longest known piping cave in the world (Hakikar cave, 1392 m).
This expedition’s main objective is to go for cave mapping and survey of the longest caves in the area. Up to date, there are 53 caves with estimated lengths of 200 to 1200 m, that are yet to be mapped. In addition, researchers from different fields are welcome to join and to look for interest in their expertise.
The expedition is organized in collaboration between the Israel Cave Research Center, Israel Cave Explorers Club and Tetide APS.
The expedition has the patronage of the Società Speleologica Italiana and European Speleological Federation
Some photos of the project area (author Boaz Langford)

Oren Tocker
It was great seeing you in person and at action!